Monday 3 September 2012


Abou Diaby is not really a topic to kick start a new blog. Is it? After years and years of being sidelined from the game and being the butt of so many jokes you don't wish that kind of a future to anyone, not even a blog.
I have to be honest , with the stop start career Diaby has had i had given up hopes of seeing him as a vital cog in the Arsenal team and all those injury jokes that went around did not feel that bad after sometime. But credit where credit is due, for he kept on persevering, and the Liverpool game really brought out all the myriad options  that he has to offer.

What was seen at Anfield might have been missed by many due to the goals, tenacious Podolski and the string pulling craftsman Cazorla. The current midfield structure which is essentially without any defensive midfielder rather a resolute Arteta doing both the cleaning and ticking on job in front of the defense.Diaby has the job of going box to box, linking the play with the creative in charge remaining Cazorla, Diaby seem to click in the position, the position Arteta occupied last season and the same position which Denilson failed to deliver in. There were times when Diaby was played in the Cesc role, behind the striker where for me he lacked. For though he has a lanky structure and a great reach and touch but there were times that he slowed the pace of the game while playing behind the striker and i remember people calling for his head for the very same reason.  Neither the defensive enforcer nor the no. 10 but a midfielder willing to put those lanky legs to use.He can win balls, challenge aerially, wriggle past markers, turn smoothly and what not, but i guess i am jumping the guns, it is these few sparks that are all we have had from a player that by now should have been the focal point of Arsenal.Being consistent  is the biggest doubt that everyone has had with him throughout his career. But  you really wish something good happen to players like Diaby  who have maintained their balance, shown courage and came back from the time when most players call it quit, and help galvanize the team to something big.

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